07969247928 lucy@hypnohelp.uk.com

Empowered Menopause

Lucy Atkinson

‘By Your Side’ Offer May 2024

Purchase the Empowered Menopause Online Course by 31st May and get:

Instant access to the 4 pre-recorded sessions

Guided support until end June

4 Live Q&A sessions

A WhatsApp community to connect and share with others

Have you reached that time in your life?


How is that affecting your life, and the way you feel?

Perhaps you’re struggling with the physical or emotional changes – have you found yourself affected by anxiety, or disrupted sleep? Maybe you’re not getting the right information and support you need to embrace this new stage of your life?

Although not often talked about, the menopause is an exciting time of change and renewal in your life. It is a wonderful time to stop and evaluate where you are, and decide where you want to go next – how you want to live your life, being true to your own beliefs and values.



I’m Lucy

I love to help women like you who are going through the menopause and perimenopause to successfully manage your symptoms through hypnotherapy and life coaching techniques, so you feel in control and empowered – and can enjoy life – rather than being disillusioned by the changes you are going through.

I am a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach with a passion for supporting all women to be the best they can be, and make the changes that will lead to a more balanced, harmonious and enjoyable life.

What I Do

Empowered Menopause Online Course

I know that sometimes things get busy, and you just want to be able to access things at your own time and in your own way. The modules are presented in short, easy to access sections with journalling prompts throughout to help you to access great coaching and tools as it suits you. 

There are options to work through them at your one pace, or you can join a cohort to work through them with my support. 

Feel better, sleep better, be better!

Group Coaching

Accessing the Empowered Menopause Programme in a group allows you to experience a wonderful dynamic of peer support; it is great to tap into the collective wisdom of others. This ‘peer learning’ is an important part of the process; often people find this puts them less ‘on the spot’ than individual sessions. There is plenty of time to reflect on what has been discussed, so that you can apply your new knowledge to make changes in your life .

Empowered Menopause 121

I will help you to successfully deal with the symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause, such as anxiety, hot flushes, and insomnia; through a combination of powerful hypnotherapy methods and life coaching techniques, so you feel in control and empowered rather than disillusioned by this stage of life.


"I’ve been listening to the MP3 every night since you sent it and it’s almost like the olden days! The MP3 means I don’t have anything to fill my brain other than the gentle persuasive sleep-talk. I had (quietly) low expectations as nothing so far has had impact. I’ve read various books & articles previously. I know about sleep hygiene & work with families on this. I do lots of sport to tire me out. The GP gave me anti-depressants with a sedative effect to help me sleep. But nothing has worked as well as the Sleep MP3. And on the 2 occasions this week when I’ve woken within an hour of listening, I’ve just played it again. I haven’t got to the end yet - I’m not sure I’m ever going to find out what happens in the end….! Thanks Lucy"

Anne, Derbyshire

"Lucy I have absolutely adored your course …. It helped me so much and I was even able to ditch the sleeping tablets after 20 years. I feel so honoured to have met you all and to have benefited from your love, humour and wisdom, and the mutual trust and feeling of being held safely; all structured, lead and facilitated by such a skilled and original warrior woman."


"Thank you for the programme. It was only the second time I had been in a group session and it was much more relaxed than the other I had been to. It was supportive and informative, enabled me to pause and consider things I hadn't for a while. Also to contemplate new ways of dealing with the menopause….. It is probably a time of life when Pausing is sensible and positive. The programme gave me that. "



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